
With the knowledge of our NASCAR fan database, IPSOS approached us to strategically send out a survey to NASCAR fans who suffer from or are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Ipsos Group S.A. is a multinational market research and a consulting firm with headquarters in Paris, France. The company was founded in 1975 by Didier Truchot, Chairman and CEO, and has been publicly traded on the Paris Stock Exchange since July 1, 1999.


Our solution

Sent 40,000 emails containing unique links to track survey completions

This number was determined by taking a percentage of those who suffer from or are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes and applying it to the goal for completed surveys.

Offered $5 for each completed survey (provided by IPSOS).

Segmentation was used to both determine what group from our database would react best to this campaign along with excluding those who had received a survey in the past.


IPSOS’s goal was to obtain 300 completed surveys of those who suffer from or are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

The goal of 300 completed surveys was accomplished

The campaign achieved an open rate of 46.4% with a click thru rate of 7.2%. In less than a week, the goal of 300 completed surveys was accomplished.

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